Chongfei Manual

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

The movements in the room continued for a long time and gradually became quieter when the moon was near the western horizon. However, the sound of Wei Luo’s soft weeping continued.

Jin Lu and Bai Lan thought about the sounds they had recently heard at the same time. Hearing their Miss’s delicate and soft cries that sounded like a kitten’s would make a person’s bones feel limp.

No one called them from inside, so they didn’t dare to go into the room. Hearing that the matter had been done, one of the older female palace servants wearing a pale rose-colored bi jia top left in advance. Jin Lu, Ba Lan, and two other servant girls from Prince Jing’s residence were left behind for the night vigil.

About two hours later, Zhao Jie’s voice came from the room, “Bring hot water.”

Jin Lu and Bai Lan looked at each other. It was finally finished… It had been such a long time. Would Miss’s body able to handle it? Although they were worried, their movements were swift. A short while later, they brought the water that had been boiled in the kitchen into the cleansing room behind the bedroom. Jin Lu walked to the divider and said with her head lowered, “Your Highness, the hot water has been prepared.”

She didn’t hear any response coming from the bed other than Wei Luo’s soft milky voice saying, “En.”

It didn’t seem like she was answering Jin Lu’s words. It was more like she was refusing something.

Jin Lu couldn’t resist her curiosity. She looked up and her face immediately became red. She lowered her head again and hurriedly withdrew from the inner room.

Jin Lu walked out the door. The chilly wind blew by, but her brain was still thinking about the scene she had saw. Behind the red curtains embroidered with golden thread, there were two shadows. Her Miss was straddling Prince Jing. With Prince Jing’s arms holding Miss closely, the two people were kissing as if they were unwilling to separate from the other. One was so petite and the other was tall. It was unexpectedly agreeable sight.

It was only that Prince Jing was a bit too hasty. It was only the first night and their position was so intense. Would Miss be able to endure it…

Zhao Jie let go of Wei Luo’s mouth and kissed downwards to suck away the saliva on her chin. Then, he held her soft earlobe in his mouth and hoarsely asked, “Ah Luo, let’s go take a bath, okay?”

Wei Luo didn’t have any strength left, so she went along with whatever he said.

Zhao Jie picked up her up and reached the cleansing room in a few steps. He put her down into the warm water, then he jumped into the water himself. This time, Zhao Jie didn’t tell Jin Lu and Bai Lan to come inside. He personally served Wei Luo in cleaning. After he had rubbed her entire body, he lowered his head to look at her small face that was blushing from shyness. With a smile on his face, he whispered, “Let’s do it one more time?”

Wei Luo suddenly opened her large, limpid eyes, and repeatedly shook her head. She pitifully said, “I don’t want to.”

One time had already been long enough. If they did it again, she would probably die here!

Zhao Jie leaned over to block her trembling lips and squeezed her palm, “Be good, husband will be more gently this time.”

Then, the water splashed out onto the white marble floor and changed into clear, spring water that moistened a budding flower that was blooming from desire again and again.

Originally, the prince had said they were going to take a bath. But thirty minutes later, Jin Lu still didn’t see them coming out and she heard Wei Luo’s voice becoming more and more hoarse. Feeling anxious and timid, she said, “This prince, he’s really doesn’t know how to be considerate towards our Miss…”

Bai Lan shook her head and suggested for her to not be impulsive, “Let’s wait a little bit longer.”

Another fifteen minutes passed before they heard Zhao Jie carrying Wei Luo to the inner room. Wei Luo was too exhausted and had already already passed out.


Early next morning when the sky had only faintly brightened, Wei Luo’s face felt itchy. She furrowed her eyebrows. Her long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings before she opened her bright eyes that were as glossy as water and met Zhao Jie’s line of sight. Wei Luo’s thoughts turned and turned. The messy and absurd memories from last night rushed through brain. Her pretty face turned red. She wanted to hide inside the quilt. But, her body was too sore and weak and she couldn’t move at all.

Zhao Jie’s lips showed a satisfied smile. He touched her small, soft, smooth face. “You must be tired out from last night. Does it still hurt?”

Wei Luo couldn’t move her body, but she was able to tilt her head and bite down on his finger. Still angry, she said, “You’re asking now? I already said I didn’t want to.”

Not only that, he kept forcing her to call him “husband”. Wei Luo felt too shy to call him that. She couldn’t change how she addressed him so quickly even if they were married. Because she wouldn’t say that word, he used various ways to punish her. Don’t bring up how pitifully Wei Luo had cried during that time.

Zhao Jie reached his hand out and took her into his embrace. He kissed her head and said, “Silly Ah Luo, how could I resist in that situation?”

Wei Luo blinked. Just as she was about to speak, she felt the change in his body. Her face immediately changed and she started to struggle. “You…”

Zhao Jie knew that she wouldn’t be able to endure another time, so he slightly pushed her away. He said while laughing, “Don’t move. I can’t control this reaction. It’s still early. You should go back to sleep for a bit and I’ll come back to wake you up at 8 AM. I’ll leave to go wash my face and rinse my mouth.”

Wei Luo vigilantly looked at him without saying a word. He had frightened her too much last night. Right now, she didn’t have any trust in him.

Zhao Jie stood up and changed into a casual black robe. After washing up, he went outside to practice martial arts by shadowboxing. Without his orders, the servants didn’t dare to make too much noise and quietly walked as if they were tiptoeing. They were scared of waking Wei Luo up.

Not long after Zhao Jie left the room, Wei Luo quickly fell back asleep. This time, her sleep was much more peaceful than last night. By the time Zhao Jie returned to the inner room to wake Wei Lu up, the sun was already high up in the sky. Zhao Jie had already taken a bath and changed into a purple-red robe with a hornless dragon pattern.

Wei Luo had curled herself into a ball. Her small, soft, rosy face was buried in the pillow as she comfortably slept. Her nose gently moved. It seemed that she was deeply asleep.

Zhao Jie almost couldn’t bear to wake her up. He had truly not shown moderation last night and had even bitten her two times. It had clearly been her first time. She had been so delicate and tender. However, he really couldn’t control himself at the time. She had been in his arms after he had thought about her and missed her for so long. He had finally obtained her. He couldn’t act like Liu Xia Hui and hold his bride on his wedding night without his thoughts becoming messy.

Zhao Jie scratched Wei Luo’s nose and gently called out, “Little fellow, wake up.”

Wei Luo slowly opened her sleepy eyes. Because of their previous conversation, she wasn’t as as wary of Zhao Jie. She stretched her arms out and subconsciously wrapped them around his neck. She wiggled in his embrace and mumbled, “Oh, sleepy…”

Zhao Jie smiled and brought a green glazed porcelain cup to her lips, “Drink some water. We’ll have to go to the palace soon. You can’t continue to sleep right now. You can sleep as long as you want once we come back from the palace.”

After Wei Luo finished drinking the cup of water from his hand, she returned to her original position. As soon as she thought of the reason for why her body was tired and sleepy, she angrily bit Zhao Jie’s neck, “This is your fault.”

Zhao Jie wasn’t the slightest bit annoyed. He rubbed her head and went along with her words, “En, everything is my fault.”

He was so honest about acknowledging his mistakes that Wei Luo didn’t feel comfortable with continuing to blame him. It would make her seem too unreasonable. Wei Luo tilted her head and said with a raspy voice, “Go and call Jin Lu and Bai Lan inside. I want to put on clothes.”

Zhao Jie compliantly summoned Jin Lu and Bai Lan to the room.

Jin Lu and Bai Lan had already been standing outside for a long time, but they didn’t dare to come inside without permission, especially Jin Lu. She was afraid of seeing an embarrassing scene like the one from last night. The two of them walked inside. One person was holding a copper basin and a towel. The other person was carrying clothes.

Zhao Jie said, “Put the clothes down on the bed. You can both leave.”

Hearing his words, Jin Lu and Bai Lan lifted up their heads in surprise.

Even Wei Luo felt puzzled.

Zhao Jie repeated, “Leave.”

Even though Jin Lu and Bai Lan felt confused, they could only retreated from the inner room.

Wei Luo burrowed out from the quilt. She angrily huffed, “Why did you tell them to leave? Who will help me put on clothes?” She wouldn’t be able to properly put on her clothes with her current strength.

Just after these words were said, Wei Luo was faced with Zhao Jie’s phoenix eyes that seemed like they were smiling. She froze for a moment. A bad premonition suddenly appeared in her mind.

Sure enough, Zhao Jie gently lifted her dark hair. “Did you forget? At Tian Chan Mountain, this prince said he would help you dress every day after we got married.”

Wei Luo really wanted to kick him. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the strength to move her leg. Feeling angry, annoyed, and anxious, she refused, “No! Who wants your help?”

However, she was currently physically exhausted from being tossed around by Zhao Jie and couldn’t match his energy. After only resisting for a short period of time, she was already so tired that she was panting. In the end, she could only let Zhao Jie dress her. At first, Zhao Jie’s actions looked correct so Wei Luo thought he was very skillful. However, he seemed to be unfamiliar with a woman’s clothing and groped around for a long time before he finished dressing Wei Luo.

After Wei Luo was finished dressing, Jin Lu and Bai Lan came inside to serve her with washing her face, rinsing her mouth, and brushing her hair. Wei Luo felt as if she had lost all of her dignity in front of her servant girls. She could only keep her gaze down and look at her nose. She pretended that they didn’t know what had happened as they helped her get ready.


Wei Luo was sitting at a round red sandalwood table decoratively carved with clouds. Just as she picked up her chopsticks and was about to start eating, a thought suddenly flashed through her mind. She turned her head and asked Zhao Jie, “Were you lying to me?”

Zhao Jie supported his chin with his hand and looked at her. “What was I lying about?”

Wei Luo angrily pointed at his nose. She finally responded with words, “At the hot spring villa, you were able to tell what was wrong with my clothes in a single glance. Why were you suddenly unable to help me put on my clothes?”

Zhao Jie actually didn’t show the slightest sign of shame on his face. He rubbed his nose and said, “I suddenly forgot.”

Really, Wei Luo had never seen such a shameless person. She had already endured with him touching her body everywhere, but her bare body had been exposed to the air for so long because of him! Why was his heart so wicked? Feeling wronged, Wei Luo put down her chopsticks and said, “I don’t want to eat anymore.”

Zhao Jie sent away the two servant girls, fawningly carried her onto his leg, and smiled as he kissed her cheek. “How can you skip a meal? You’ll have to meet with many people later when we go to the palace. We won’t be able to return until late in the evening. I’ll feel bad if my treasure feels hungry.”

Wei Luo lifted her head up and glared at him, “I can’t lift my hand. It feels sore.”

Zhao Jie said, “I’ll feed you.” Then, he picked up the bowl of crab and tofu congee, scooped up a spoonful, and brought it to Wei Luo’s lips.

Wei Luo didn’t act willful. She was really hungry, so she let him feed her a bowl of congee, a cake shaped like a mini pumpkin and made from Chinese melon, and two flaky lily-shaped pastries with meat and pine nut filling. She also had several bites from other small side dishes until her stomach became perfectly round.

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