Incest Complex

Chapter 98 - Madwoman

Sitting on a lounge sofa inside of the President of Germany\'s office. A cute and beautiful golden-haired girl known as the greatest Professor in the whole world, Ellen Zern. She was sipping a tea in inelegant way, making her look rude and unpleasant to the eye, She gulped the hot scalding tea in one go causing the people beside the president look at her in surprise.

As if she did something casually she showed a beautiful smile. A smile that can cause deadly strike. Ellen look at the woman sitting across her. The Woman is the president of Germany, She got a silver hair and bloody red eyes, Ellen shivered for a moment when she took a long glance at the president\'s eyes, It was completely intimidating. Completely opposite of Ellen whose hair is gold and eyes is deep blue. They look like sisters even though they completely look different from each other.

In the first glance everyone would\'ve thought they would make a good friends together, Seeing the two smiling with each other. However that is far from truth, These two are like both fire and water they would never get along no matter what happens. As the saying goes, Two Tigers on one Hill.

Ellen got pissed seeing the woman in front of her, She silently snickered under her breath. She scanned the woman with her eyes, The woman also scanned her, nonetheless. Both trying to look for weaknesses.

Ellen Zern has a great figure. Bust and Buxom she has them, perfect waist and lean body she has that. However the clothes she is wearing destroyed all the good impression about her. Ellen who was a Fan of Adolf Hitler is wearing a Nazi outfit, earning the scowl of the people around her. They would have welcome her with great arms but, things go south directly after seeing this stupid woman.

The President, Scarlet Silber. Though her real name is Annah Linse but she changed her name because she didn\'t like her very normal sounding name. It\'s not like she was unsatisfied with her real name it\'s just she had a terrible family history that would be explained later on.

Scarlet has also a great figure but she lacks one thing, Her bust is flat. Although not entire flat as airport runways it still could be cupped with a hand. However when she saw Ellen\'s grin, She frowned feeling annoyed as her ego got hit, it\'s her pride. She silently shake those thoughts away to the back of her mind. Neverminding that annoying grin.

The two was having a staring contest making the entire room void in silence. The other people inside is watching them in silence daring not to interfer the ongoing battle. It only stopped when Ellen broke the tensed atmosphere by saying.

"Greetings, Madam president. I, Ellen Zern is very happy to meet you." Ellen showed an elegant smiled that shook the woman who previously escorted Ellen. The woman can see that Ellen is faking it, though she wasn\'t the only one who sensed it, Everyone\'s smiled twitched seeing these.

Scarlet look at this bitch in front of her as she replied. "Same here, it\'s very nice to meet you (get out of my country!) Professor Ellen Zern.(Bitch!). I\'ve heard your great accomplishments, I\'m very pleased for having you visit my country.(Argh! Because of those board chairmans or those influental people just wanted your research.)" Scarlet also elegantly smiled while inside her mind she was spitting curses at Ellen Zern.

"Is that so? Germany is a good country, Now I know why Hitler loves it so much." Ellen casually said.

The people frowned upon hearing that name. They look at Ellen with squinted eyes.

"Professor, I have to remind you \'that\' name is forbidden in this country. A person who would utter \'that\' name will be punished for capital offense." Scarlet said calmly but inside her mind she got angered by this woman\'s uncouth behaviour.

"Eh why?" It\'s as if she pretend to be ignorant about it, Ellen asked innocently.

Scarlet squinted her eyes.

The people inside couldn\'t help but give Ellen a serious look. Does allying this woman is correct? They started to hesitate a bit, they wouldn\'t know what would this insolent vile woman would do behind there back. Considering how she idolized \'that\' person and also the report brought by the Agent who escorted Ellen earlier. Ellen is an absolute madwoman. However, a Deal is a deal.

"Forget about that, let\'s discuss our main topic today, Professor." Scarlet didn\'t answer Ellen but averted the topic. "Professor Ellen Zern we would like to form an Alliance with you...."

Ellen was reluctant and wanted to hear more about her idol hitler. But she remembered her objective, She can\'t disobey \'that\' person. (It\'s not hitler but someone behind Ellen.) Lest the consequences would be severe, She shuddered when she thought about those painful punishments.

The two, discusser about politics and etc. Scarlet didn\'t really want to ally with this vile woman. However she knows that Ellen\'s technology are highly advanced, She understand why her people wanted to ally with her. The technology, that\'s the reason. If they got left behind because of her stubbornness then the countries would look at them as if they we\'re a helpless lamb.

The talk lasted for hours, that caused Ellen to be exhausted mentally as she complained in the middle of the meeting. "I\'m so hungry! Can we resume this later on?"

Veins popped up on Scarlet\'s forehead as she uttered words silently under her breathe. "How uncouth."

A mayor from one of the major cities in germany explained. She is also a beautiful woman but compared to Ellen and Scarlet she is still inferior. Nevertheless a beauty is still a beauty, this woman has genuine elegant expression on her face. As she softly smiled towards the people, from the very start of the meeting she was only standing at the side watching all the events with sweet smile that could melt a man\'s heart...that\'s if there are men around here.

"Everyone, let\'s go eat. I\'ve prepared you a dinner." She softly smiled.

Everyone look at her with amazement and dumbfounded. They knew that this woman is an airhead but even so everyone didn\'t hate her, more like they love her as if she is their mother. She is so caring despite hearing Ellen Zern idolized \'that\' person who in the past killed one of her ancestors.

Ellen Zern became excited when she heard about food. Her mouth drooled as she stood up hurriedly, She approach the woman grabbing her hands. "You prepared food!? Can I eat too!"

The woman only sweetly smiled as she replied softly. "Yes you are free to eat with us. I want you to enjoy my country\'s cuisine."

"Really!? Yes!" Ellen\'s behaviour is really childish, everyone thought the same. She made a strike pose that puzzled everyone around.

Unknowingly, The previous tensed atmosphere became lively. Scarlet watch this happening as she also smiled. "As expected of Diana, turning the mood upside down... I won\'t forgive that bitch if she harmed Diana."

Everyone who heard her words nodded in agreement. For them Diana is like a mother to them. Diana loves her country and she cared for everyone in her country. She helped the poor giving their home and job. She helped the orphans acting as their mother, unknown to her, every orphans already treated her as their mother. It already carved in their heart and mind.


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