The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 289 - New Arm, New Knowledge (2)

A long time ago... A time when the universe was still in chaos. A time when the universe was still in its childhood. A world loved by the gods was created. A world that would never require saving. A world made to value peace and prosperity.

That was until man arrived to claim the planet for his selfish needs. Yet, the world accommodated her golden child, sacrificing countless others to save them. But there\'s a limit for everything. One day the mother earth couldn\'t take it anymore and all hell broke loose. 


God\'s had to save the planet... By destroying it, partially. For after destruction comes creation. Without the former, the latter can not exist, and vice versa. But who would do so? No God was ready to destroy their most prized possession. 

Like always, whenever the gods got into trouble, they rushed towards Mount Kailash, Shiva\'s domain. They needed a destroyer and a destroyer they got. As per their request, the one who was under oath to be a protector had turned into the executioner. Using the powers of his mysterious third eye, Shiva eradicated the ones he saw as \'Evil\'. Leaving only a few righteous ones to thrive on the planet. He did all this without harming the planet as a whole... A feat no other God had the confidence to achieve. 

Such a display of strength shook all the God\'s to their core. Some became devoted to Shiva while the rest grew to despise him. The Greek pantheon was among the latter ones. For before Shiva\'s ascendancy to the Supreme Being, they ruled over the realms as they pleased. But they needed allies to take on Shiva and his army of undead.

They wanted to attack the God who came into existence even before the universe. The true primordial, Shiva. But no one supported them. They tried to influence everyone to fight against Shiva. But even the lesser gods refuted their absurd claims that Shiva wanted to become a dictator among the gods.

Zeus desperately needed allies and the only ones strong enough to rise to the task were the Asgardians. 

Zeus was certain. With the help of Asgardians, they could get rid of Shiva for good. But Odin refused to cause Shiva any harm. Odin had nothing but respect for Shiva as they had fought alongside each other while fighting against the Titans and the rulers of the dark. They had a brotherly bond, a bond no promise of power or treasure could break. 

So, Zeus hatched a plan. A plan to give Asgard a new ruler. With the help of Loki, Olympus launched a surprise attack on an unprepared enemy. Thor faced off against Zeus, but the latter had strength and wisdom which Thor could only dream of obtaining. Soon Asgard was defeated and Loki was crowned the new king. Zeus wanted Loki to kill Thor but Thor escaped before they could do anything. This entire ordeal blindsided everyone. 

Now with Olympus and Asgard allied together, their strength had increased tenfolds. They had become beings with supreme strength. But there was one thing even they couldn\'t challenge, Karma. 

Thor fled into Shiva\'s protection and told him everything. From Zeus\' offer to Loki\'s betrayal as well as the death of Odin and their plan to attack Kailash. On that day, the universe quivered under Shiva\'s rage. Before the united force of Olympus and Asgard could make their move on Kailash, Shiva brought the fight to them. Just like they had ambushed Asgard, he ambushed Olympus. 

In the following years, the blackness of the universe was no more. It had turned red... Red from all Shiva\'s bloodlust. Shiva destroyed Olympus but left Asgard fairly intact on Thor\'s request. But nothing could save Loki. Shiva killed him 

But higher gods are no ordinary beings. Unlike the lesser gods, the higher gods are beings purely made of energy. And as you know energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It takes time... Millions of years In fact, but the fallen Gods rise once again. Memories of their triumph and demise still engraved within their souls.

Olympus and Loki were alive once again. But this time, they weren\'t as high and mighty as the last time... This time not only the memories of their triumph and demise were engraved within themselves, but there was also fear as well. Fear of dying. Fear of Shiva\'s rage. 

They now know, in front of Shiva\'s unrivalled strength, their powers were nothing but cheap tricks. They were Gods... But only in name. In reality, they were punks who now know their limits. Still, the bitterness they carried wasn\'t going to leave their souls so easily. To this day, they seek revenge against Shiva... Or someone related to him. 

But, Zeus had already sown a seed of doubt within the minds of the rest. If Shiva could destroy Olympus and Asgard without blinking an eye, then he could do whatever he wanted to do with the rest of them as well. 

A similar train of thought was going through the head of every warrior in the USA after seeing Arnold return alive.

It had been three days since Nathan and the others returned from the swamps and were in the middle of preparing for a funeral for those who died during the battle. There was a coffin for both Nina and Arnold... But right before the ceremony, all of the \'presumed\' dead people were back. 

Arnold explained the situation to them. How he survived the nuclear attack and saved everyone else. Thanks to him, not a single soul perished because of Devon\'s final attack the only casualty of the nuke was his arm... 

Those who believed Arnold was nothing, were now silenced. Not only the Americans but the entire world now had their eyes set up on the warrior who was now nicknamed as, \'Deathless\'.

Everyone was talking about him. \'#Deathless\' and \'#Strongest_warrior_ever?\' was trending all over the world. Some old acquaintances were sending their best wishes to Arnold including various get well soon messages. But one of these messages stuck out from the rest. 

"I think now\'s the time for us to talk again, don\'t you think?"

The person whom Arnold had been wanting to meet, had texted him first. Arnold had to reply to him, "Of course it is, Nicholas."


\'He\'s not human... No way he\'s a human...\' Andrex thought when he saw the news of Arnold\'s return. 

"Getting cold feet, are we?" Luke mumbled from the back, "Remember our oath, Andrex. You break it, you die."

"I know what the oath was damn it!"

"Then focus on the task. He might be deathless, but the ones around him aren\'t. If we can\'t break him, just break the ones around him." Luke let out a malevolent smile, "I can\'t wait to send the Blacks in a frenzy."

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