The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 402 - Kingdom Come (2)

One year later...



You\'ve killed a mythical being.

EXP: +500,000

You\'ve killed a mythical King.

EXP: +5,000,000

First Primordial Griffin killed.

EXP: +6,000,000

Dungeon EXP multiplier activated. Total EXP gained: 23,000,000.

<Current EXP in storage: 123,046,567.>

<EXP required to level up: Max Level reached>

<Your subclasses have already been maxed out.>

<Please ascend to a higher being to continue levelling up normally>

Dungeon Stat bonus activated. The stat points you\'ll gain while inside the dungeon would directly influence your growth. While inside the dungeon, all previous rules related to stat increase are revoked.


Maximum Stat level reached. You can no longer gain attribute points by clearing a personal dungeon till you ascend to the next level.


"Anything?" Arnold asked while wiping the Griffin\'s blood off his forehead

[Nope. Nothing changed in your mind. You\'re still in control.]

"It\'s weird, don\'t you think?" Arnold mumbled before ordering the frost giants to take the primordial Griffin\'s body away, "I wasn\'t supposed to kill anything. But even if I do so now, nothing happens. Do you think I\'ve been cured of whatever affected me?"

[You were never ill, in the first place. So it\'s unlikely that you were suddenly \'cured\'. As far as I\'m aware, most probably it was all work of a godly diety. Someone had been messing with your mind for a long time. But before I could track down who it was, it vanished. It\'s almost as if they are scared of you or whatever you have become now.]

Arnold looked around the scorched land the transdimensional dungeon had led them to this time. Just like the previous three runs, this dungeon too was filled with mythical monsters. Which meant one thing, he and his summons had a time of their lives gaining an absurd amount of experience and attribute points.

However, they had a hard time against the monsters they were facing this time: Griffins or as some of them were referred to as Gryphons. These feathered creatures had the body of a lion, while their legs resembled the talons of an eagle as well as they had gigantic wings on their backs that made them capable of flight. This is where the problem kicked in for his summons, while it also made Arnold aware of his army\'s biggest weakness.

His army was freakishly strong, there was no point in denying that. But they serious lacked the knowledge or strength to battle against aerial units. Most of his summons only aced in ground fights, thus the cunning gryphons easily managed to destroy a lot of them with their extraordinary teamwork. Even summons like Asterios, Grock and Dread weren\'t able to withstand the gryphons continuous barrage of attacks and ended up getting destroyed.

Even Talos only survived because he had the vindicator with him. None of the summons with close-range fighting abilities was able to do much against the gryphons. But those who were able to somehow counter them thrived in the dungeon as it meant bonus points for them. This was especially true in Tiamut\'s case as she finally managed to reach cosmic S rank, while the rest of the elite summons were stuck at cosmic A. All in all, his private dungeon had helped them a lot that too at a crucial time.

"I\'d be surprised if someone who tried messing with my head wasn\'t scared of me. Because the moment I find out whoever is responsible for doing such a thing, I\'ll pull their intestines through their mouths, wrap them around their neck and hang them for the world to see."

[Yup. Now I know why they ran away. No one would like to die like that. Still, I don\'t know whether it\'s a good thing or not. it almost feels like a tactical retreat if anything else. But at least no one had disturbed you in the last year.]

"No one except that little brat of mine. He\'s most probably throwing a tantrum as we speak."

[I still can\'t believe you\'re a father now. There you were getting your a*s handed to you by every guy you ever met, a little over a decade ago and look at you now. Your strength easily rivals that of the lesser gods, and if things keep happening like this, soon you\'ll be the only god the Earthlings would preach instead of real gods. Either way, congratulations on having Aiden. I just hope he takes after his mom rather than his father.]

"You just had to do that, didn\'t you?" Arnold sighed before smiling like an idiot, "I hope so too. I\'m too big of an idiot. Aiden is better off taking after Nina. It\'s even harder to believe that he is growing so fast. It\'s not as if I have seen a lot of children growing up. But even a blind man would notice that he\'s growing fast. I mean I could fit him in my palm when he was born and now, I have to use both my arms. I know I\'m blabbering nonsense now, so let\'s just focus on the things we have to do first." 

Their conversation was soon interrupted by a couple of monsters whom Arnold had, had resurrected after the recent dungeon runs. Shyok and Miro. Shyok was an orc shaman who had the powers to alter the weather and was proficient in using both light and Shadow affinity at the same time. In short, he was someone of much importance to Arnold and had helped him in the rehabilitation of both the memorial island on the back of Cetus as well as of East America. It was all thanks to Shyok that people were now slowly migrating from the west side of America to the east.

Meanwhile, Miro was an elf who was primarily an assassin and was proficient in using a bow and knife. She was so good with her bow that even Arnold had to take classes from her to improve his accuracy. More than that, she could fire arrows faster than Arnold could shoot bullets. Also, both of them were ranked at Cosmic B+, which meant even though they were weak in comparison to the other summons. They were still one of the strongest beings on Earth.

"Master... the gryphon carcasses have been gathered as you commanded," Miro said as she got to her knees, "What\'s your next command, master."

"Good work. I don\'t think I have a task for you now. But the two of you should check in with Talos as he might need some help. If he has nothing for you then you\'re free to do whatever you want to." 

"As you wish master." Both of them bowed one last time before heading out.

[Who could have thought that the man whom even the gods fear, has such a side to him as well.]

"As long as people don\'t give a reason to blow their heads off, I think I\'m quite a chill person to hang out with. you should know that by now."

The following moment there was an explosion, followed by a notification.


All monsters in the dungeon have been slain.


"Looks like the others are done handling the rest of the gryphons as well," Arnold mumbled as he stretched his arms over his head.

[If by others you mean, your sister.]


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