Re: Level 100 Farmer

Chapter 90 - Protection III

"They\'re clones, all of them. Copies." Li nodded. This put an incredibly new perspective on what he had known previously about the duchess.

All this time, he had thought she had altered the minds of others to secure her position. But had it been that in actuality, she had kidnapped threats to herself and simply created a clone of them more favorable to her? Had Alexei been wrong to assume that she had mind bending powers under her disposal?

No, Li had to think safer. He had to assume she had both, but at the same time, he tempered his caution with logic. If truly either mind control or cloning had no limits, then she could have posed a legitimate threat to him by now. She could have taken over his mind or cloned an exact copy of him. 

But her powers could not match up to Li. It was already evident from what Launcelot had said that the cloning had some level of imperfection inherent in it. There were likely many more restrictions. 

"Tell me," continued Li. "Did you explore further?"

Launcelot emphatically shook his head. "No. I could not. In that horrid room so filled with the stench of raw flesh, I could sense a tremendous danger within. Something that watched me. The very feeling of being watched by that…thing sent me running before my mind could even know.

I am confident that should I now, many times stronger than I was then, enter that room again, I would flee once more."

"I see. That\'s it, then? You\'re no longer going to fight back? Get back to that room and find out what happened to your friend? I\'m not putting you down, I\'m just trying to get a read of your motives and where you stand."

"I understand." Launcelot\'s voice was steady like a rock.

He was not insulted, nor did memories of the past shake him. There was a solid foundation of mental fortitude laid into his character, and his usual cheery happiness was only a little layer bubbling atop a veritable mountain of hardship and tempered strength. 

"For years, I sought my friend out. My real friend. Utter foolery, that was. There is no reason the real her would ever have been kept alive. She died the moment I was too much of a coward to follow her as an adventurer."

Launcelot balled his hand into a fist. "But no more. You ask of me a motive? Then it is to ensure that no hero ever follows in my friend\'s footsteps."

"That\'s why you\'re carrying those heroes around. Or, to be more exact, half-heroes considering they can practice magic," said Li. "I see now. You\'ve been masquerading them as mages and rangers this whole time, having them pretend to shoot fireballs or wind blades when in reality, it all came from their powers."

"That is correct, though I fear that the strategy is limited. Like most possessing heroic blood, their prowess in magic or martial skill is low. I cannot have them leave the bounds of Riviera for then monsters beyond their supposed ability shall appear."

"Good thing Riviera\'s a safe haven, then, right?" Li recalled how Iona herself had escaped to this city to escape being hunted as a monster. "You can stay here as long as you like where your home and nobility are. You can live comfortably and support your hero refugees for the rest of their lives."

"For them, I do not worry." Launcelot gave Li a knowing look. 

If Launcelot wanted to keep all heroes safe, then Li knew of only one other hero in Riviera.

"Jeanne? You\'re worrying about her?"

"I have worried for her ever since she has risen meteorically as an adventurer. That is the easiest way for the crown to notice her. When she became silver-ranked, I tried to have my party cooperate with hers at every turn to keep an eye on her. Eventually, I asked her if she wished to merge parties."

"I\'m assuming she said no."

"That is correct."

"Why not just tell her the reality of the situation? That her blood will lead her to trouble?"

"You must understand my position. You are a foreigner with no ties to this land, but everything I care about, my mother, my ancestral home, my dear brother continuing the family trade by building in the south – all of them are in danger should I let my knowledge flow too freely."

"And what about the reverse? Spreading what you know far and wide. That should damage the duchess\'s image considerably among the common people, no?"

"As much as I loathe to admit it, I do not wish for that either. The duchess has single-handedly erased centuries of bloodline corruption and uplifted what was once the failing state of Beaumont, battered by demons and subservient to the Republic, into the shining duchy of Soleil of today that provides for all and stands independent." 

Launcelot sighed as his words began flowing out of him. It was evident by how smoothly he spoke that he had thought of this exact question countless times, and by now, had almost rehearsed an answer. 

"In the first place, none will believe my outlandish words, but should I in the infinitesimal chance find the spark of revolt within me to sacrifice my house to galvanize the populace against the crown, then I hold no chance of deposing the duchess. 

She holds far too much power at her disposal. And even were I to be successful, it does not take a military tactics major to know that the moment Soleil falls under instability, the Republic will mobilize troops to conquer it."

He shook his head.

"No, I will not let the loss of a friend whose loss was mine own fault, a friend who I have already buried in my mind and heart, fuel a petty grudge that endangers the livelihood of countless hundreds upon thousands."

Cold, hard logic devoid of any passion or desire for revenge. If Launcelot had ever decided to fully devote himself to politics, to lying and seeking gain only for himself, he would have been astoundingly successful.

"I see." Li put a hand to his chin as he got a good picture now of Launcelot\'s background and motivations. For now, there was not much more to know from the shielder. "Well, at the least, I can tell you that you won\'t have to worry about Jeanne. She\'s already turned down the duchess\'s offer, and she has two close companions to keep her in check."

Launcelot paused. "How about you?"


"Could you not place her under your protection? It would be-," Launcelot coughed into his hand and waved his words away. "Forget what I said. I was being irrational. You are a man of many talents – farmer, herbalist, and beast tamer – but at the end of the day, you are only human. 

You cannot protect her all the time, nor should you be obligated to. I do not know why I felt it right to place so much faith within you."

"I\'m no babysitter, but if push comes to shove, I\'ll be there for her." 

Launcelot smiled. "I am glad to hear that, truly. It is strange, but to hear those words from you comforts me so. It is as if the gods themselves were answering my prayers, hah."

Li glanced at the shield that lay leaning against Launcelot\'s stool. "Perhaps they have." 

Launcelot picked the shield up and stood, stretching out his back as he did so. "It has been good to speak to you. I have not spoken of myself in years, and letting my words flow and give shape to my thoughts and emotions has helped me considerably. I cannot thank you enough."

"Don\'t mention it," said Li. Launcelot had told him enough. Li would set up a meeting with Alexei when his driver came around for the next harvest. A meeting that could potentially shape the course of history itself. "Though, if your family\'s that famous for building, I could use a hand around here. Build a nice house for the wyrm, because she\'s not going to fit in this rackety old cottage soon the way she\'s growing."

"Certainly," said Launcelot with a hearty laugh. "I will send message to my brother to return from Duvin when I can. A wyrm\'s home is something he has never built before, and the unknown does excite him so."

A series of rapid knocks at the door rung throughout the cottage. These were not the confident and slow-paced knocks of a patrolling knight. This was erratically paced, their beat almost desperate.

Li saw Launcelot go on edge, his expression immediately hardening as he tensed into a fighting stance while standing in front of Li, the shield poised in front of him, guarding his heart. 

"Threats, perhaps? Spies?" Launcelot whispered. He motioned for Li to stay still. "I will confront them. If the need arises, then take the old man and flee, good sir. I cannot have either of you facing injury for my own follies."

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