Re: Level 100 Farmer

Chapter 314 - Sunspear

"I sense discomfort welling within your heart," said Helius.

Li looked at the sun god, but the sun god was staring straight ahead, into the collection of floating blue orbs that once fueled the lives of an entire race of angels. 


"Perceptive, are we?" said Li. "Is that one of your powers also?"

"Life and emotion are two strands of the same thread," said Helius. "The worry I sense in you, it is true, then. As a player, you must have faced the cycle of the Chthonia already. You understand its scope. You are beginning to feel concern."

"You know, I am curious about one thing. How much of your past life do you remember? When you were not in this world?" said Li. 

"All of it," said Helius. "Ten thousand years of governance upon the Elden World. Then you players arrived, beings of power that flowered and grew and eventually surpassed in quick order. When the Chthonia began, you lent us your aid, and the Elden World was saved. 

Then, all of you faded, trickling away, until finally, when the World drew its end, devoid of you players that had carved your names upon it so strongly, I and the other gods found ourselves upon this new world.

In memory of the Elden World which we shared, we christened this one Eldenia, but always, we have wondered the nature of you players, whether you would return. And you have."

"Very interesting," said Li. From Helius\'s words, he could gather that there was a point where Elden World completely shut down. After Li\'s own transmigration to this world. It was when it shut down that Helius and the gods arrived here.

Meaning that the transportation process from Elden World to here was atemporal. Those that were transferred later could arrive earlier as was the case with Li and the gods. 

"As for the Chthonia," continued Li. "I am worried. This world means far more to me than did Elden World. There is far more at stake, but the threat is just as great, and this time, I am alone with my own powers withheld. At any given moment, it may be that my eldritch power will draw the ire of this world."

"No." Helius shook his head. "Another reason I brought you into my realm. To avoid Zahaka\'s ears. No, I do not think your powers have effect upon the Worldwill. We are bound to the Worldwill as its guardians, extended functions that govern natural laws for it, but you are different.

Your very eldritch nature itself means you are unbound. Unchained to this world, for though you yet have great love for this world, you are a creature meant for the stars."

"What reason would Zahaka have for withholding this information from me?" said Li. "And how did you figure this out?"

"My own studying. In reforging the Sunspear such that it would prove absolutely lethal to all creatures of the cosmic void, I grasped more of your kind\'s nature. I assume Zahaka withholds this information from you as she does not fully trust you, in part due to your inherent nature with the void."

"Ridiculous," said Li. "I am stewarding this world where you four are no longer present. I am no threat." 

"I know. But Zahaka has known of the Chthonia\'s threat for seven centuries. Among us, she alone has studied the threat and prepared for it to a degree far greater than even myself. 

This purpose has consumed her, and I may presume, has made her suspicious to a degree. Yet, she does not life a finger against you. I would not worry about her. I know she wishes this world well in her heart."

"I see," said Li. "If you speak to her, I only wish to convey a warning that if she impedes me in defending and righting this world, then it is she who will stand upon the wrong side of the history her followers so dearly uphold."

Helius nodded. "Noted."

Li thought of what Helius had said about the Sunspear. In Elden World lore, Helius created the ultimate weapon against the eldritch forces when they came to invade. This was the Prometheas, a torch reforged from the divine class sunspear. 

Lira possessed the Prometheas, though hers appeared to be from a different yet parallel world to this one. The Helius of this world, however, seemed to have simply reforged the Sunspear with additional effects, presumably ones similar to the anti-eldritch properties possessed by the Prometheas.

It made sense, these differences, when Li considered that the original Prometheas was created using Helius\'s death whereas the enhanced Sunspear still left Helius alive to face his brother personally.

"This Sunspear, you are certain it will fall into worthy hands?" said Li.

"Certain. The only thing I am certain of anymore," said Helius. "That, and my death to come. This Sunspear will be the mightiest weapon ever known to this world, rivaling even the celestial-blessed weaponry that you bear in your unleashed form.

Only a mortal that embodies the brilliance of what the mortal heart can accomplish will ever wield that. Who that is, I do not know, but all else that wish to touch spear will find it unwilling to bend to their will."

Helius sighed. "When the time does come, I ask of you to guide the bearer of the Sunspear, to have them battle with you against Noctus. The Sunspear I designed with the sole purpose of neutralizing Noctus. It will silence his calls to the void. It will keep him isolated in this abandoned realm of mine. It will kill him.

And when it kills him, it will kill me."

"Depends on whether this Sunspear bearer will show up in time," said Li.

"Oh, they will. That, I can foresee," said Helius.

"But you cannot foresee who they will be?"

"Future sight is a fickle thing. You should know as a being of the void that encompasses both space and time."

"I am afraid I have not yet tapped into those powers too strongly."

"Good. The uncertainty of the future and the certainty of space are fundamental aspects that keep mortal lives grounded. That keeps your human will strong. Do not forsake them so easily." Helius nodded before standing up, raising a hand alight with power. "I have kept you too long. Go, Elder One, and set aright this world in need of guidance."

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