Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 230 Kowtowing Before The Bloody Fairy

Hearing that Alchemist Azrael was helpless to do any more about this matter, Herwin and Harvey felt their heads spinning.

They wanted to shout at Valentina and scare her out of her wits but were forced to hold it in unless they wanted to push away the only chance available to save their heirs.

Nor did they want to antagonize Alchemist Azrael, who seemed to be the only one on their side so far. And they would surely need him to make a Rank 6 healing pill in the future to cure their children of their ugly diseases forever.

They let out a helpless sigh as they turned around to look at Roy and Dennisa, still standing with their heads lowered while clutching their fists tightly.

Harvey spoke in a caustic tone, "Why are you two still standing there? Go and apologize and get this all over with. You two have not only disgraced yourselves but our families as well. Dennisa, I thought you were a very smart girl, but how could you fall for such a despicable plot? Haven\'t we taught you as a child never to trust anyone? Now, go and get it done."

Seeing them still standing like statues, Herwin roared, "Why are you two fools still standing there? Did some dog bite your legs? You two have already done enough to drag our names through the mud. Doing this wouldn\'t make much of a difference anyway. We have already lost all face because of you two."

Both the patriarchs finally lost it and directed all their anger at their heirs for forcing them into such a situation. Even if they knew it wasn\'t their children\'s fault, they blamed their stupidity for falling into such a situation.

They already knew that someone close to them had drugged them but they were angry that their heirs blindly trusted them and ate anything they offered.

However, what they didn\'t know was that Damien\'s pill couldn\'t be noticed with just a simple spiritual perception.

Roy and Dennisa\'s legs trembled as this was the first time their fathers were shouting at them. All they could remember was how gentle and soft their fathers spoke to them usually. But now, they were getting admonished before others.

They never felt more aggrieved in their lives as they believed that they were the victims here. If anything, they needed consoling instead of getting shouted at.

Their legs trembled as their bodies unconsciously moved forward, hearing the lambasting of their fathers.

Valentina inwardly coldly smiled, seeing the two ugly figures approaching her with heavy steps.

Roy and Dennisa were taking each step as if a ton of iron weight were attached to their legs. Their eyes were shaking as they prepared themselves to face the utmost humiliation they had never before faced in their lives.

They wanted to cure themselves of this abominable disease more than anything, and if kowtowing before Valentina was the only way, then they felt it would be at least better than living their majority of lives in some dark corner of their homes just like some beasts.

No matter how much they wanted to not apologize to Valentina, they saw no advantage in holding on to what little pride and ego they have left. It was not as if their dignity and ego would cure them.

Dennisa tried her best to hide her face the more she walked closer to Valentina. She didn\'t even dare to see how Valentina was looking at her as she could guess it. She had already felt ashamed of her beauty the first time she felt overshadowed by Valentina\'s beauty.

But now, she felt like killing herself as even she felt that she looked no better than a piece of shit compared to Valentina\'s heavenly beauty.

Never before had she felt so crushed, and there wasn\'t even a tinge of air of haughtiness around her anymore.

Roy, meanwhile, felt glad that Valentina didn\'t call Damien to witness this humiliating scene. Otherwise, even if he won the challenge against him, he would never be able to rest unless he tortures Damien to death himself.

But having to kowtow before a woman made him feel his only leftover ego and dignity shattering. He already experienced a heavy blow to his pride as a man when he found that his manhood was completely crippled.

And now he felt so crestfallen he wondered if he could even look at Valentina with a straight face after this.

What felt the worst to these two was that even after facing such humiliation and being forced to disgrace themselves by Valentina, they couldn\'t retaliate, nor were they allowed to. Usually, they would immediately get rid of anyone who tried to even annoy them in the slightest, but now they could only tie their hands and shut their mouth.

Even if they got cured by Valentina, they knew it was only temporary until Alchemist Azrael was able to concoct a Rank 6 healing pill for them.

But they were too afraid to think that Valentina\'s blood would fail to cure them as they would have kowtowed before her for nothing. Although there was only a 50% chance, it was still a big red flag for them.

And thinking about the cancellation of the bet, Roy already had all his dreams shattered of obtaining the most beautiful girl in the world. He even thought that he wouldn\'t feel attracted to other women once he conquers Valentina but now not even the ugliest bitch would turn to look at him, nor could he function on bed with a woman.

Valentina was standing with her back straight like a queen as she saw those pitiful figures tottering towards her. They both looked as if they bathed in a swamp filled with poo and excreta of a pig.

Even a devil would feel pitiful looking at their sorry figures and wonder what sin they did to suffer such a curse.

What seemed like an eternity to them, within a few seconds, they reached before Valentina with their backs bent.

They could feel the scornful gaze of Valentina and gritted their teeth, feeling extreme mortification in their bones. They were already feeling as if they lost all face and pride and couldn\'t imagine how they would feel after kowtowing to her.

Herwin shouted, seeing them fumbling about, "Stop wasting time and get it over with!"

The patriarchs didn\'t even feel like watching their heirs kowtowing to a young girl as it felt like they were the ones kowtowing. That\'s why they would get extremely pissed off if anyone slighted their heirs as a slap to their face was like someone slapping them.

For instance, if someone insulted Roy, then it meant he had no respect for not only Roy but even his family. That\'s why no matter how angry or indignated one feels towards someone, they would think twice about which family they belong to before doing anything.

Hearing Herwin\'s shout, the legs of Roy and Dennisa wobbled as they bent their knees with bitter expressions and finally hit the ground with a dull sound as their eyes met with Valentina\'s feet.

Damien grinned inwardly, seeing the two haughtiest and arrogant heirs of prominent families kneeling before Valentina like dutiful grandchildren.

Roy and Dennisa\'s faces shook as they slowly laid out their arms near Valentina\'s feet and hunched their backs as if a cube of iron weight were pressing down their backs.

They spread their trembling palms on the ground and slowly lowered their head till they touched the floor, making them look extremely subservient.

Valentina said in a cold tone, "Good. Now apologize for being a nuisance to me and Damien by including his name as well."

Dennisa\'s eyes looked hysterical while Roy\'s eyes were bloodshot, feeling extreme shame, and their faces looked as if they were forced to eat feces.

"I-I...apologize for...bothering you a-and Damien…" Dennisa said in a low voice that barely sounded like a whisper.

Valentina said sternly, "Louder! I can\'t hear you, and it better be a proper apology."

They both ground their teeth so much that they almost broke their own teeth. In a loud enough voice, Roy finally said, "I apologize for being a nuisance to Fairy Valentina and Damien. I promise I won\'t repeat this again…"

Dennisa also followed Roy and said the same thing, and after letting it out, they finally felt as if a huge weight was taken off their shoulders.

"You two better keep those promises," Valentina said as she inwardly smiled in amusement, seeing the two kowtowing before her.

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