Astral Pet Store

Chapter 143 A Titled Battle Pet Warrior?

Chapter 143 A Titled Battle Pet Warrior?

Fei Yanbo’s showy action alerted all the audience in the stadium. As soon as they recognized him as one of the teachers from the Berserking Blade Academy, they soon grew irritated since they thought Fei Yanbo was taunting them.

Luo Fengtian had yet to leave the stage at this moment; he quickly went to Fei Yanbo. “Is there something you need, sir?”

Luo Fengtian thought that his teacher went there to personally congratulate him. But this didn’t explain the man’s aggressive style.

Fei Yanbo smiled at his favorite student. “The criminal who harmed your friends yesterday. You remember him, right? He’s here. You should step down for now and watch your teacher collect the debt.”

“He came??” Luo Fengtian never noticed what had just happened outside the stage. He immediately looked at the area where his academy was waiting and saw Su Ping among the crowd.

Unlike others, Luo Fengtian didn’t hate Su Ping for what he had done. On the contrary, he quite respected Su Ping’s power. Meeting with a mighty rival had enkindled Luo Fengtian’s eagerness for more strength. He wanted to work harder and perhaps have a rematch with Su Ping someday. “Sir... I’ll defeat him with my own hands one day. You shouldn’t worry about it.”

Fei Yanbo gave him a stern look. “This is no longer a simple matter between you two. Not only did that man refuse to apologize to us, he even flagrantly disrespected our academy in front of everyone. I must teach him a lesson, so that he knows his place.”

Luo Fengtian noticed his teacher was genuinely angry; he could only sigh in his mind.

Seeing Fei Yanbo already ready, Su Ping decided to make it quick.

“I’ll be right back.”

He nodded to Dong Mingsong and Luo Guxue, before channeling some astral power to lift his body off the ground.

“He can fly??” Both Dong Mingsong and Zhou Yunchan, who had just sat down again, bolted right up and stared at Su Ping’s back in surprise.

Even common civilians in this world should know that “flying” was a “privileged” ability exclusive to titled, ninth-rank warriors. If somebody was flying above the city without the help of tools or magic tricks, they were surely titled battle pet warriors, or perhaps better-legendary battle pet warriors.

A battle pet warrior was recognized as a titled one when he or she learned how to freely use their astral power to command exterior energy in the environment. At this point, flying was a rather easy job to do, just like how children didn’t really need specific training to walk.

But flying was undeniably, unquestionably and undoubtedly, not achievable to non-titled battle pet warriors. There was no exception.

Dong Mingsong and Zhou Yunchan, as two of the oldest men present, could not believe that someone so young was qualified to be a titled battle pet warrior. And yet, they couldn’t find a better explanation to define what was happening to Su Ping’s body.

Followed by the vice principals and teachers, the students nearby also realized the same thing as their jaws dropped open, especially in Dai Yan’s group, who had yet to remove the smugness from their faces when they were still blabbering about Su Ping’s “deserved misfortune” a second before.

The stadium grew completely silent again, as more and more people saw what was happening

Su Ping didn’t look as eye-catching as what Fei Yanbo did earlier because he was only floating a few meters above ground. But... it was still flying. Not jumping, not temporarily hovering by using some kind of smart moves. Su Ping was steadily drifting in the air.

Su Lingyue, who had just left the emergency care unit and saw the stage area, felt her head throbbing again at the ridiculous sight she was seeing A titled battle pet warrior?? My brother? But he’s only 18!

At the center of the stage, Fei Yanbo’s mocking smile had been replaced by that of pure shock. Luo Fengtian was in a similar state, who was looking above him while walking off the stage.

Luo Fengtian had just thought that he could reach Su Ping’s level through enough effort and hardships. Just a few seconds later, that dream was mercilessly squashed. To him, reaching the level of a titled battle pet warrior was his life-long goal. Beyond that point meant becoming a legendary warrior, which was no longer a proper dream since only a few selected titled warriors could become legendary in the end. Thinking about it too early was not an ambition, but blind foolishness.


Su Ping gently landed on the other side of the arena where Ye Hao was still weeping on the floor.

While Su Ping did admire Ye Hao’s resolve, he couldn’t understand why Ye Hao was looking so pathetic just because of an insignificant loss. The reputation of the academy did sound important, but it was nothing compared to staying healthy and alive.

In Su Ping’s view, reputation and name were just like money. He could afford to lose them, as long as he could get better and earn them back.

“Get up.” Su Ping reached out a hand to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao clenched his teeth as the saddening result of the match still haunted him. Instead of accepting Su Ping’s hand, he sat up by himself with trembling arms.

Not far from him, his Thunder Basilisk was barely breathing in its own blood. Most of the creature’s scales had been peeled off, which were scattered all over the place.

As for the culprit of the brutal ordeal... Luo Fengtian had already summoned it back.

Ye Hao slowly stood up while grunting, before he retrieved his Thunder Basilisk into his pet space as well.

“I’m sorry,” he said without looking at Su


Come on. Can’t these so-called geniuses take a blow or two without crying like babies? Su Ping complained in his mind. Then he put a hand on Ye Hao’s shoulder.

“It’s just a match. It’s not like you’re dead. Just become better and get back what you lost in the future. If you need advice, feel free to drop by my shop, OK?”

Su Ping meant those words. Ye Hao had paid a big sum to reserve his services but without fulfilling that bill for almost a week. Of course he wanted to make sure that such a rich customer lived to “buy” another day.

Ye Hao smiled slightly. He believed Su Ping was just comforting him as a teacher of the academy. Although it did feel good.

He looked further ahead and was expecting to see the vice principal and the other teachers to blame him. But he only saw them looking at his position with opened mouths, unmoving, as if they were having trouble recovering from the unacceptable outcome.

Ye Hao felt even sadder all of a sudden. He had failed them. He wasn’t able to live up to their expectations.

“Move it already,” Su Ping urged him, “So you don’t get hurt.” “Huh...? Hurt?”

Su Ping pointed behind him with a thumb. “That guy wants to fight me. We need to borrow the field.”

Of course Ye Hao recognized who Fei Yanbo was, and he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

The leading teacher of the Berserking Blade Academy is challenging Su Ping?? Su Ping actually agreed! And he looks fine with it!!

Ye Hao noticed the unusual quietness and looked around the stadium, only to see everybody directing the same, dumbstruck expression at the arena. He suddenly felt as if he had missed out on something really important. It made him anxious when all the students were looking at his direction without making a sound. Even if he lost the final match and disappointed his academy, this was still too much for him.

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