Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 144 - 144. End Of Daimyo-Era

Onoki, when he was still an adolescent, was once tasked with cleaning his village\'s Stone Monument. As he did so, his grandfather, the First Tsuchikage, came and spoke with him. Onoki, who believed that the First Tsuchikage was just a cheap old man to have such a simple thing as the symbol of the village, was then told that the stone represented the unmovable will of the shinobi of the village. The First then told Onoki that he too possessed that strong will, but would lose it if he didn\'t face adversities with determination.

As a young man, Onoki was a student to the Second Tsuchikage, Mu who passed down to him the secrets of the Dust Release techniques. At some point, Onoki fought with Madara Uchiha and became the only living Kage to do so. This boosted his ego. He had also encountered the Second Mizukage, his mentor\'s rival, and was constantly picked on by the latter.

Eventually, Onoki succeeded Mu for the title of Tsuchikage. During his reign, he endured the hardships of the Third Shinobi World War, watching many of his people die in battle. But, he was still alive and well, strong as ever. He boasted about himself, for being the only Kage who has seen and fought all three wars.

Onoki was a very proud, headstrong, and boastful individual. He refused to retire and choose a successor as Tsuchikage despite being old, insisting that he was still strong enough to continue to rule the village. His pride caused him to have very little respect for those younger than him.

This same pride was now an acting time bomb for Iwagakure and the Earth Country. He refused to acknowledge the threat of Shiroken. He refused to acknowledge that there can be a being who can take over three great shinobi countries.

"NO! DO NOT QUESTION ME, KUROTSUCHI! We have an alliance with Kumogakure, not just us, but the Daimyo also have signed an alliance. We will defeat them, just like in the last war how Hiruzen came to us to plead for peace, they shall once again. This time that blonde woman will come." Onoki pridefully raged.

"Grandfather, please. We have intel that the most trusted man of the Raikage, Darui, was seen in Konoha. What makes you think Kumo will still fight alongside us?" She asked him.

Onoki rudely replied, "You know nothing, girl. The Raikage is even more hot-headed than me, he will never surrender until the existence of his village is threatened. And he has two-tailed beasts, he has nothing to fear.

You just have to do as I ordered. Keep Han in the prison. We have already lost Roshi, we can\'t let go of our only advantage."

She sighed and left. But she could feel that this was going to end really badly.



"What about the alliance with Iwagakure?" Darui asked the Raikage as they headed out to the meeting location.

The Raikage laughed, "Haha, let that bastard Onoki taste the fruits of his foolishness. I bet he still thinks he is all-mighty and can defeat anybody. Just because he was spared by Madara Uchiha, he now feels he\'s stronger than him."

This was the end of that discussion. "Are all the money chests ready?"

"Yes, Lord Raikage," Mabui affirmed.

"Good, let\'s go then."



"Are you sure you don\'t have to go?" Tsunade asked Shiroken. She and Shiroken were currently sitting in the Hokage office, face to face with each other. Shiroken was helping her with a lot of stuff, teaching her how to do administrative work more efficiently.

He teasingly replied, "Tsunade, that almost sounded like you don\'t want me to be here. *Sigh*"

"NO! I WANT YOU HERE... I-I m-mean I appreciate your help." She blushed due to her sudden outburst and speaking whatever came to her mind.

"HAHA... then perhaps... I should sit closer to you." He got up and moved his chair, now instead of sitting face to face with the table between them, they sat side by side with their bodies nearly touching each other.

Tsunade took a long breath to calm her mind. She would be lying if she said she didn\'t like his company. But, the man was too damn handsome and had an overbearing presence. She would feel like a little girl falling in love for the first time with him so close.

Meanwhile, Shiroken found the way she acted cute when he teased her. On top of that, the fact she was old and wise to some extent yet acted like this near him made him appreciate her.

"*Cough* Then... let\'s start working." He tried to take a paper that was on Tsunade\'s side. However, a blunder happened. Shiroken\'s overreaching arm suddenly touched Tsunade\'s breasts. They were too large and hovered on the table.

He embarrassingly apologised, "Ah... sorry,"

She shrugged, "It\'s okay. Let\'s get to work."

But Shiroken asked, "Does your back not hurt with... with so much weight?"

She burst into laughter, "Pfft... It used to when I was young, but then Lady Mito trained me to strengthen my back as well as belly muscles."

"Hmm, that\'s pretty nice. By the way, was your mother also blonde? Because Hashirama was black-haired and Mito was red, it\'s not possible that your dad had blonde hair." Shiroken asked.

"Oh, my mother was from...*BAM*"

"Lord Dama, it\'s time for you to go, you told me to remind you." Shizune entered. She had gotten used to seeing the two together so she didn\'t even act surprised.


He got up and patted Tsunade\'s head, "I\'ll be back soon... we will head to Dama Country then. You\'re going to love it."

As soon as Shiroken left the office, Tsunade sat upright and her normal serious Hokage persona returned. ~What happens to me around him? Get a hold of yourself, Tsunade.~

Shizune sighed and left, ~When will she realise?~


The Land of Frost was located in between the Lands of Hot Water and Lightning. It had a Shinobi village as well, a very small one but it was there. It was called Shimogakure, but unlike other Shinobi villages of big countries, the Daimyo was the eternal ruler of the country as well as the shinobi village here.

The meeting was to be hosted in this village. However, Shiroken wanted to deal with something before he meets the Kumogakure delegation. He had reports that the Frost Daimyo was a cowardly man who had no problem begging for his life and taking money from the less fortunate. He values himself above everything, both when it comes to taking advantage of the people under him or crying and licking the feet of those stronger than him.

For a man like this, the world had no need. So he arrived at the Daimyo Palace. The Kumo people had not arrived yet, so his job was much easier.

Without saying anything, he simply put the guards to sleep and entered. The man turned out to be akin to an old midget, an elderly man with short, pale purple hair that spikes up at the back, a bristling moustache and a long beard. He wore a hat of sorts that had the symbol of his village on it, similar to a forehead protector.

"Frost Daimyo." Shiroken entered.

Without giving a second, the short man jumped to Shiroken\'s feet and started crying, "LORD DAMA... PLEASE LET ME LIVE... I... TAKE THE COUNTRY... TAKE MY WOMEN... TAKE ANYTHING... PLEASE..."

Shiroken\'s brows creased, "What do you mean women? How many do you have?"

"I... I have a harem of the 16 most beautiful women in the country. As the lord, I have rights over everyone living here. So I get the right over the most beautiful women as well." The man claimed.


"Do you have a family?" Shiroken coldly inquired.

"Yes... my only son, my heir... but he won\'t be an heir... he will leave with me." He kept crying.

That was when his son entered, a man in his 20s, but looked as obese as a human could be, any more than this would burst the man\'s stomach. Seeing this, Shiroken made up his mind.

"What a good duo of father and son," He muttered and took out the sword. He kicked Daimyo and threw the sword in his arms. "Behead your son and I might let you go."

As soon as the boy heard this, he tried to run, but his fat body was too much and he fell down. Then he was unable to get up. The Daimyo, as the rumours say, cared for nothing but himself.

He went to his son and beheaded him with a crying face. Shiroken sighed in disappointment, "You are a real sick man. I expected you to kill yourself with that sword, I would have let your son go then. But... I will have to do it now."


A tree root came from the ground and pierced the man from his ass to mouth. Then the roots dragged both bodies underground to be turned into fertilisers. The era of the Daimyos was already over in Shiroken\'s books. It was now the time for the Chief Executives.

He took the seat of the Daimyo after that and waited for Kumogakure\'s delegation to arrive. For this, he only had to wait 1 hour.


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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