The Alpha's Return

Chapter 132 - Mount Olympus

"You heard what I said. That was directed towards you. After I am done with my work, I will come here and rip your ear out for eavesdropping on me even though I told you that I did not." Lucas said. He then started walking towards the elevator. The man walked with him.

"Master. Your plane is ready in the hanger, and I have already told them that you are coming. So, by the time that you arrive, it shall be ready. The destination is Mount Olympus, if I am not wrong? I have already informed our friends in Greece that we are arriving, and they have made the suitable arrangements. All that is left is for you to come to the airport. The helicopter is waiting for you on the roof. Do you wish for me to accompany you, or to take care of the girl?" the man asked.

"For some reason, just the sight of you disgusts me. Take the girl and give her her punishment." Lucas shook his head.

"As you wish, master." the man nodded and he retreated.

Lucas entered the elevator, which was conveniently on the same floor that he was in, though Lucas doubted that it was a convenience. He then pressed on the highest number.

"Why does no one just add the terrace to the elevator? It gets sooo irritating." Lucas shook his head.

The elevator dinged, and it stopped right at the top most floor. He got off and went up the stairs to get to the terrace. By now, he could hear the helicopter. The blades whirring deafened his ears. It was the same helicopter, but surprisingly, there was another who was piloting him.

"I need to talk to Ramos, ask him about the real numbers of the organization. I don\'t understand how the operate. They seem to have more people than I expected. How many orphans does the world have, really, for the organization to balloon up to such a size." Lucas wondered.

"One thing is for sure. You made a huge mistake in making this organization. You thought that it would make your life easier, but all that it did was screw you up totally. I mean, look at that man that you just met. He was the most repulsing man that I have ever laid my eyes upon. He just feels disgusting. And my intuition is never wrong. Just have a few talks and start shutting down this stupid organization. It makes no sense for you to have it anymore. You have enough money to last you another thousand years, and I am sure that you can figure something out. After some time, you also want to go to heaven and be with her. Why are you still caring so much about the mortal possessions that you have here?" Fenrir asked.

"Because some things are just hard to leave. You know that Fenrir. But I have to ask you. You are genuinely helping your brother, aren\'t you? If we were just faking it, then you would have gone there with no planning at all, and winged it, alerting many gods in the process. But you aren\'t doing that. What made you change your mind? Are you reconsidering Odin\'s offer? Cause you weren\'t the one who made oath. I was. Just remember. You are me, and I am you. For the next century, that will be the case. Don\'t throw me under the bus just yet." Lucas said.

"I am not that heartless. There are just a few things that I want to do before I can consider truly retiring as Fenrir." Fenrir sighed.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing. Forget it."

Lucas got onto the helicopter and sat down. The moment that his seat belt clipped on, the helicopter rose up, and it flew through the skyline, cutting across the city at an incredible pace. They went past many, many buildings, and finally, Lucas could see the airport. His eyes locked onto the private hangers, where his plane was probably waiting for him. There was already one in the runway, but it was not moving at all.

"I cannot believe it. Even in this god forsaken place, the organization has enough power to take a whole runway for itself. How much money does it even have? I think I\'ll go ahead and cash in early for Christmas." Lucas said with disbelief.

"We are the biggest and richest organization in the world, master. All because of your guidance. There is nothing that we cannot provide you. Even if you wish to become the president of the United States, or change it to a monarchy with you as the king, we are able to do that." the pilot suddenly spoke.

"Thank god you can speak. The other guy just creeped me out. I think that is why they changed him. I don\'t have any intention of becoming a king, so it looks like all of that power is wasted. Drop me at the airport. Let us get this ball rolling as fast as possible." Lucas said.

The helicopter dipped down, and it landed right next to the plane that was on the runway. Lucas got off immediately and walked towards the plane. There were two men standing side by side to it, and they looked at Lucas. Seeing him, they bowed immediately.

"We greet the master."

"I am not a pretentious douche. Stop bowing every time you see me, goddamn it. I am here now though, so get the whole thing going. I want to leave now, and get to Greece by the end of the day. Is traffic going to be a problem?" Lucas asked.

"We have made sure that our path is clear as day. But there is a little turbulence expected. Nothing out of the ordinary." the man on the right shook his head.

"Well, you can add a few lightning strikes to that as well. Zeus will not take well to me entering his area without prior notice. He doesn\'t like it at all when something that can threaten him comes to him so suddenly." Lucas said as he entered the plane.

He got onto one of the seats, and put on his seat belt. He then glanced at the cockpit. Someone was already there, and they were getting all of the necessary procedures in order. The aircraft shuddered and the plane shot forward. Slowly, it rose to the air, and Lucas was on his way to Mount Olympus.

"Does anyone have a laptop here?" Lucas asked with a loud voice.

As if she was a ghost, a woman appeared right next to Lucas.

"What do you need, master?" the woman asked.

"A laptop. I need to start typing out a few texts." Lucas said.

After a minute, the woman appeared next to Lucas with a laptop in her hands. There was a table in front of Lucas, where she laid it down and opened it.

"Quite the provocatrix you are. Revealing all of those curves. But I already had my fun for the day." Lucas commented.

He then looked at the laptop. He opened his mail and started looking through what was going on for the past few days. After that, he opened another app.


He started typing out something in a group chat.

\'Who is in Greece?\' he typed out.

After sending it, he leaned back, waiting for a reply.


Within a few seconds, someone already replied.

\'Me and Mu Chen\' Raphael had responded.

\'Alright. I need you guys to tell Zeus not to zap me out of the world when I enter Greece I would rather that I land in the right place. Not as a crater.\' Lucas sent.

\'Why are you coming to Greece? Aren\'t you supposed to be in Asgard with Amelia? What happened over there? You guys had radio silence.\' Raphael asked.

\'Done. Finished everything over there. Coming to Greece on an errand. Have to talk to Janus. Personal. Amelia will find her own way to come back, she is not with me.\' Lucas sent.

\'Alright. Will tell Zeus. But why Janus though?\' Raphael asked.

\'Personal. Will keep it that way. And if you guys meddle, won\'t be pretty.\' Luca typed out, and he closed the laptop.

"If it is those two idiots, then maybe I will have a but of a problem. I can\'t freaking hear or smell Raphael. I need to make sure that they don\'t know what we are doing. No one will trust me when I say that I am going undercover." Lucas muttered.

"Cheers to that." Fenrir chuckled.


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