Destroying My Own Novel

335 Chapter 334

"The skill you had was called Sloth, and that\'s what he bestowed upon you and your father. It\'s the only skill that made you able to withstand anything. That\'s why you can handle all those powers and magic," Mykel answered as he opened the door to Gehenna.

Beldathiel hummed as she stared at her status screen. Her level was modified to 100, and now she had [Accelerate] skill that could level up all the skills she had from the [Skill Scroll] that Mykel gave her.

"What about me? What kind of skill did I have?" Glasya asked as a notification appeared in front of her that her [Heat Resistance] skill had leveled up.

"You had Lust, and you might not know what it does since you never had someone to pour your lust into," Mykel answered as he looked at a group of people in the distance. "It\'s similar to what Lilith had called Wrath. As long as you have your lust, you\'re almost invincible," Mykel continued as he walked toward the group of people.

In the original story. Glasya showed her true power once Asmond and his team fought her for two days nonstop. At that moment, Glasya started to have an interest in him and activated her [Lust] skill without her knowing.

Glasya became a lot stronger while Asmond and his team were on the brink of death. Because of her [Lust] skill, it affected her deeply and made her realize that she didn\'t want to kill him anymore. In the end, her change of heart was what saved his life. Asmond used that opportunity to kill her before she could show how powerful she was.

"I never thought I had something like that because I have never been interested in anyone. You\'re talking like how Vixelleth and Lilith treat their playthings, right?" Glasya asked.

"Yes, and although those two can be called extreme in their lust. Compared to yours, they\'re nothing," Mykel answered.

"How do you know all that?" Glasya asked with her eyes squinted.

Before Mykel could say a word, the dark red sky suddenly became bright white. The three of them looked up and knew what it was, but it wasn\'t Lucifer.

The group of people who were resting near the rocks watched in amazement as the phenomenon unfolded before them. They were fascinated by it, but suddenly their whole bodies melted until there was nothing left but a white flame.

"Someone is furious," Beldathiel said as she stared at Glasya from the corner of her eyes.

A tall, lean demon with four black wings and long black hair descended from the light. He had dark skin, a muscular build, and lastly wore full plate armor that fit his body perfectly.

"Asmodeus," Mykel said as he watched him land on the ground.

"Fa-father..." Glasya was trembling in fear, and she hid behind Mykel\'s back. She took a peek from over Mykel\'s shoulder.

"Glasya," Asmodeus said calmly in his soothing voice.

Mykel slowly moved aside to show how terrified Glasya was. Asmodeus furrowed his eyebrows and he looked a bit confused as to why she was afraid of him. He didn\'t look angry, but rather confused and a bit sad, as if he was disappointed that she was afraid of him.

Asmodeus stood before Glasya, who was covering her body with her arms. She felt humiliated and ashamed, and she didn\'t want her father to see how weak and pathetic she had become.

Asmodeus reached out his arm toward Mykel, and he didn\'t hesitate to use [Holy Flame] at him. Mykel created a small barrier in front of him that was made of [Sacrilege Flame]. The [Holy Flame] got absorbed like it was nothing, and it surprised Asmodeus that his most powerful flame couldn\'t hurt Mykel.

"Are you seriously trying to kill me?" Mykel asked with his eyebrows raised. "Don\'t you realize that I have someone else\'s daughter behind me?" Mykel pointed his thumb over his shoulder at Beldathiel.

Asmodeus averted his gaze toward Beldathiel and realized she was Belphegor\'s daughter by the look of her lazy eyes. He then walked away since he didn\'t want to deal with Belphegor and started to look at Glasya from top to bottom.

"Look at you," Asmodeus said as he reached his hand on Glasya\'s head. "So weak, not to mention you have turned into a filthy mortal," Asmodeus continued as he grabbed Glasya\'s head.

Mykel dashed and kicked Asmodeus in the ribs, sending him flying away. Asmodeus got thrown away and rolled over on the ground like a tumbleweed, his body limp and unresponsive.

Both Glasya and Beldathiel were shocked by his sudden move, but his gaze toward Asmodeus was set and determined to kill.

"What kind of a father you are? Trying to kill your own daughter after knowing she\'s useless?" Mykel asked as he held Glasya\'s hand and pulled her to his back.

Asmodeus rose to his feet, unaffected by the earlier attack, and then began to chuckle as he drew his sword of flame. His eyes glowed with bright red as steam belched from his body.

"Killing her? I\'m ending her suffering," Asmodeus answered as he dragged the sword to the ground. "You\'re the one who did this to her," Asmodeus continued.

Mykel stretched his neck and shoulders. He was so ready to fight Asmodeus and it would be a perfect opportunity for him to get all of Asmodeus\' skills. Unfortunately, Lucifer came at the speed of light and grabbed Asmodeus\' head. He then slammed Asmodues\' head to the ground, looking furious and disappointed.

"What have you done!" Lucifer sounded so irritated as he held his voice down.

"Good luck out there, Lucifer. I hope nothing bad happens," Mykel said with a smirk.

Lucifer glanced at Mykel and then flew away as he carried Asmodeus.

"What just happened?" Beldathiel asked as she walked toward Mykel.

"Something to do with her. Not only Asmodeus came down to this floor which also wasn\'t his tower, and not to mention he killed innocent people. The rule of the world, remember?" Mykel replied as he looked at Beldathiel.

Beldathiel nodded her head with understanding, and then she turned around to look at Glasya. Glasya was still in shock the fact that her own father was trying to kill her made her realize how unwanted she was. Beldathiel didn\'t know how to comfort her since she barely talked or spoke to anyone.

Mykel looked over his shoulder and decided to approach Glasya. He put his thumbs on her cheeks and his hands on her neck. He stared her in the eye without saying anything until Glasya exhaled deeply.

"Don\'t bother. I will prove him wrong, and you will become a strong Archdemon that can surpass him," Mykel said with a serious expression. "When that time comes, show him who\'s the weak one," Mykel continued.

Mykel averted his gaze to his right and saw a figure standing in the distance watching them.

"What\'s with these Demon Kings? They came down here one after another," Mykel said.

Beldathiel and Glasya turned around to look at where Mykel\'s eyes were staring at. Beldathiel\'s eyes were wide open when she saw a pale skin man with slicked-back dark purple hair with two pairs of eyes where all them barely opened. He had thick two horns like a bull, and he wore red scale armor under his black robe.

Beldathiel waved her hand at the man, and the man waved back at her.

Belphegor spread his wings, and he had six golden wings. He then flew toward them, but Mykel didn\'t react and just watched him come.

Belphegor landed right in front of Mykel and he stared at Mykel with his four eyes. He then looked at Beldathiel, but he didn\'t look at her like how Asmodeus looked at Glasya.

"Have you been living well?" Belphegor asked in his bassy and low voice.

"Yes, and I enjoy my time on Earth with him," Beldathiel answered as she nodded her head. "Before you ask why, this is my choice, father. I feel comfortable," Beldathiel said.

"Then that\'s good to hear. I was worried when I couldn\'t feel your presence anymore. Turns out you have become a human now," Belphegor answered with a bit of a smile.

"There\'s a reason why, that\'s if you want to listen to the boring and long story," Beldathiel said.

"Then the answer is no," Belphegor chuckled in his bassy voice.

Beldathiel chuckled as well, and they had a similar chuckle.

"Seeing you healthy and happy are the only things that matter," Belphegor said as he gently rubbed Beldathiel\'s left upper arm.

"If I may ask, would you mind listening to my request, Belphegor?" Mykel asked. "She lost all her powers and abilities because of the bet she made with the dice. Would you like to bestow some of your power to her?" Mykel asked as he looked at Beldathiel.

"I cannot give my power to her anymore since she has become a mortal and I lost my connection to her," Belphegor answered.

"In that case, this would solve the problem," Mykel said as he [Modify] Beldathiel\'s race to Archdemon again.

Belphegor\'s eyes were wide open with shock and confusion because he could suddenly feel the connection between him and Beldathiel again.

"This is, fascinating," Belphegor said as he looked at Beldathiel closely.

"Yes, indeed. I can give explain it to you if you\'re interested," Mykel said with a smile.

"Then I will accept, but after I gave a bit of my power to my daughter," Belphegor replied as he looked Mykel in the eye.

Mykel nodded his head with understanding.

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