Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 596 - Back To Japan

Chapter 596 - Back To Japan

Elysia sat on the bed and wrapped herself in the blanket. She looked at the devil on the sofa with a look full of grievances. "Pervert Sylvi, the devil without shame and decency."

"Ely, don\'t feel too isolated there. I already apologized to you. What are you doing by wrapping yourself like that? Come here and enjoy this dinner with us." Sylvia invited with a sweet smile.

"..." Elysia was speechless. She was the one who ordered dinner that night, and Sylvia was acting like what just happened was normal?

\'Two girls wrapped in nothing but water bathing together and feeling each other\'s bodies? Ely, I didn\'t know you were that perverted like this, fufu...\' Elena teased Elysia with a playful tone.

\'That\'s harassment, but that devil girl doesn\'t feel guilty at all! She, she stripped me and groped my body... Is it a natural thing for girls to bathe together? It\'s not, right?\' Elysia muttered in her mind as if she felt something was wrong with her feelings.

\'Err... We used to soak together in a hot spring, didn\'t we?\' Rhea joined the conversation.

\'That, that\'s different...\' Elysia felt hopeless because no one agreed with her, including Elena, who kept teasing her.

\'We\'ll get our revenge later, Ely. Don\'t worry. But, uh, wait a minute. Rhea, you can see everything that\'s going on out there, right? Your consciousness is within the Elysian Realm, you know? How did you do that in the first place?\' Elena raised a topic she wanted to ask some time ago but forgot to do.

\'Ah that, I can make use of my spirit connection connected with Master Elysia. Since the distance between us is close, it is effortless to do. Vanessa can do it too if she knows what she needs to do.\' Rhea answered and then shared a method.

\'Ooh~ So it\'s like that. Then can Ely do the same to Nell? I mean, they have spirit connections too, right?\' Elena nodded in understanding, and an idea suddenly popped out.

\'Hmm, that\'s might be possible. However, I\'m not so sure since the spirit connection between my little sister and Master Elysia was formed by imperfect methods. Nell\'s mark in Master Elysia\'s upper dantian can\'t achieve the same results as mine or Vanessa\'s.\' Rhea patted her chin and was sure of her answer.

\'Well then.\' Elena just shrugged her shoulders since they couldn\'t confirm anything before putting it into practice. However, if that worked out, a way back to another world seemed so close at hand.

Elysia ended up participating in the dinner with a rather sulky temper. Although, she actually just felt really embarrassed and awkward remembering the bathroom event just now.

After brushing her teeth, Elysia looked out the window. The heavy rain came so suddenly. Even so, she just didn\'t really care about it and immediately went to bed. She needed to recover some magic energy while the opportunity was still there.

Vanessa climbed into her master\'s bed and snuggled there to sleep in recovery meditation with her master. "Good night, master. Have a nice dream."

"Mm, good night to you too, Vann." Elysia gave Vanessa extra room in her meditation formation.

Meanwhile, Sylvia looked at Elysia with a mysterious gaze. She waved her hand as if to shoo something away. After that, she smirked and slipped into Elysia\'s bed.

"Eh-huh? Pervert Sylvi, what are you doing? You have a bed to yourself over there." Elysia looked back and was a bit surprised by a girl who suddenly got into her blanket.

"Hehe, it\'s a bit chilly tonight, and the room isn\'t enough to keep me warm. I wonder what it\'s like to sleep while cuddling my bestie." Sylvia wrapped her arms around Elysia\'s waist from behind. She locked the girl in position, and she couldn\'t be kicked out either.

"..." Vanessa didn\'t want to lose either. She sought warmth by snuggling so close to her master.

"Ehm... The bed is getting a bit cramped." Elysia\'s face slowly turned red as she could feel the two big pillowy thingies pressing against her back.

"Hey, Ely, don\'t you feel there\'s something wrong with this world?" Sylvia suddenly asked in a whisper.

"Hm? Strange? This world is indeed strange and absurd sometimes. But, what makes you think so?" Elysia sensed that there was something wrong with Sylvia\'s tone.

"I mean, we are currently in the tangible dimension, but actually, this world has two interconnected dimensions. Those who live in the second dimension can see us and are all around us. However, those who live in the tangible dimension cannot do the same. There are many ghosts and other spirits in this world." Sylvia scanned the room with her blood-red eyes. She could see several floating semi-transparent orbs instantly fled when they realized she was staring at them.

"Eh? Ghosts and spirits? Hmm, I\'ve heard that this world does have a lot of djinns, ghosts, and other spirits. They won\'t bother us as long as we don\'t bother them. But, is this concept different from in Vrelenia?" Elysia felt little goosebumps talking about supernatural things and horror at night like this.

"Even though it\'s true, I always chase away those who dare to approach us. I don\'t feel safe with them around us because they have unclear intentions. Vrelenia has a different and separate dimension, actually. Creatures such as demons, ghosts, and evil spirits live in the underworld on the Devil Continent. We need to open the gates of hell to go there." Sylvia relaxed again when there were no unknown orbs around the room.

"Eh? Hasn\'t the Devil Continent become twice as big as it looks? The Devil Race is twice as dangerous then?" Elysia gasped in surprise at the Devil Princess\' confession.

"En, that\'s true. But, those who live in the underworld are just weak mobs. Honestly, I don\'t want to go to that place anymore because it\'s boring and gloomy there." Sylvia moved a little to find a comfortable position.

"I see..." Elysia just put the topic aside and closed her eyes. She wanted to meditate right away.

"If you don\'t believe me, you can use your magic vision or your eye innate ability to confirm it with your own eyes. Several floating orbs are outside this room. They didn\'t dare come in here because I threatened them. However, do you know? They are cutely able to take the form of objects and other creatures because of their cheap illusions." Sylvia whispered near Elysia\'s ear.

"!?" Elysia suddenly opened her eyes. She had to get the answer right now.

Her advanced perception failed to detect anything, but she could see everything when she activated her sacred vision. Sure enough, there are lots of floating semi-transparent orbs out there.

However, she suddenly paled a bit when she saw some of them taking on the form of hideous creatures, and that was enough to frighten her.

The frightened Elysia instantly deactivated her sacred vision and covered herself under the blanket. She felt uneasy now, thanks to Sylvia.

"Hehe, shh, hush, don\'t be afraid. They\'re floating-winged donuts in my eyes now. They have a cheap illusion, remember? They\'re actually not dangerous at all, but I don\'t know about the more powerful ones like the ones at the cemetery back then." Sylvia gave Elysia a head pat.

"It\'s all your fault. I can\'t sleep and meditate now." Elysia squirmed a little to turn her sleeping position onto her back. She peeked out and pouted at Sylvia.

"Then just close your eyes. You can feel that I\'m on your left and Vann on your right. With that in mind, you can sleep and meditate because you realize you have someone on each side of you to keep you company. Let me add some crystals and cores for our resource supply." Sylvia took a few things from her Space Bag and put them around the bed.

After that, she decided to set up a portable barrier in the room before lying beside Elysia again for a warm cuddle. "Good night, Ely, Vann~"

"..." Elysia and Vanessa looked at each other with confused expressions. Even so, she ultimately decided to close their eyes in meditation for recovery.

Seven hours passed like only seconds. It was still five o\'clock local time, but Elysia and Vanessa were ready to go as planned.

"Hm, I\'ve checked everything, and nothing is left here. How about you, Ely?" Sylvia swept her palms after examining the entire room.

"We\'re ready to go then. Let\'s go." Elysia carried Vanessa in her arms, and they left the room.

They went to a place on the hotel\'s top floor, an area free from prying eyes and surveillance. After that, Elysia was in charge of ensuring their invisibility, and Sylvia controlled the Gavy Ark. They flew above the clouds towards the northeast.

"Eh, last night\'s rain caused a flood in your hometown, Ely? Is your house okay? We haven\'t visited there yet, have we?" Sylvia stopped the Gravy Ark and glanced down.

"Hmm?" Elysia checked downwards as well. Some areas down there were really flooded, probably due to heavy rain last night. However, that was none of her business.

"I\'ve already told you this. I have no home in this world anymore, Sylvi. I have no real place to return to here. Everyone has forgotten about me. Let\'s continue our flight. The flood down there was created by the fault of the residents themselves. I presume they litter in the river." Elysia shook her head.

"Ah, that\'s a shame then. Everyone who has forgotten about you is truly a pathetic loser. But, worry not. You still have us and those who are waiting for us in Vrelenia.." Sylvia heaved a subtle sigh because Elysia was honest with that statement.

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