Ocean Master

Chapter 404 - A Radical Plan!

"Thinking outside the box…"

Throughout the past 2 weeks, alongside his assistant anatomists, Sebastian seemed to have returned to his university days when he read day in day out to be best prepared to take on his final year exams.

This time though, instead of this intense reading being for his university exams, it was to fulfill his ambitious plans for his ultimate vessel.

Through Eliana\'s connection which was the Clown Empire, Sebastian got access to all the exclusive data that he needed to upgrade his knowledge.

Having spent 2 full days already, searching for ways to somehow create a bug in the Leviathon\'s body for it to get access to unlimited mana and failing, Sebastian and his assistants tempered their expectations.

They finally returned to relying on proper scientific methods.

This time, through the expansive library of the anatomy department of the mighty Clown Empire, they sought to search for anything related to unlimited mana that has ever been recorded in Oceania.

Taking this search route as the focus, they discovered a lot of recorded information that was related to unlimited mana in one way or the other.

This was where Sebastian learned of the powerful Space Beast species that was called the Nessie. Just like the Leviathon species, Nessies were also known for having an extremely high affinity to the advanced pinnacle space domain magic.

With another extremely rare Space Beast race, the Nessies were known as the kings of Space Beasts. 

The Nessies were renowned for their 2 race specialty abilities, the mighty Devour ability, and the indomitable Dimensional Teleportation ability.

The Devour ability enabled these powerful beasts to constantly devour primordial origin essence in the air, processing it into usable mana which provided them with a situation where they never ran out of mana.

As for the Dimensional Teleportation ability, it was even more peculiar. For younger immature Nessies, this innate ability was rumored to enable them to easily teleport to any of the 7 Great Seas without any restrictions.

For normal Space Domain magic beasts, if the distance of teleportation was large, they needed to know their destination ahead of time and have a solid mental image of it before being able to teleport there. 

Also, their teleportation suffered a lot of other restrictions depending on the tier that they were as mana quality varied among each of the beast tiers.

The Dimensional Teleportation ability of the Nessies left normal Space Domain magic beasts in shame, there were no restrictions.

Teleporting all around Oceania was just a side attraction, the main reason for this ability\'s fame and why it was called the Dimensional Teleportation was because it could enable mature Nessies to teleport between dimensions!

This was such an OP ability that its importance could not be measured.

This ability was the reason why the Nessies were called the Void Travelers.

Despite how OP and attractive these powerful Space Beasts were, it was not relevant to Sebastian since he could not get one of them to base the idea of his upcoming living doppelganger vision on.

This directly eliminated the Devour ability from his choice list. Of course, he tried researching for ways to replicate this ability but it proved even more difficult, he achieved 0% progress each time.

Apart from reading about the Nessie, Sebastian also read about a lot of other occurrences that were related to unlimited mana, even of the Dimensional magic weapon, the Mana Deliverer that granted unlimited mana to its wielder. 

The only problem with all these discoveries was that they were either so high up above his current level that he could not achieve them or they were simply too unrealistic to be implemented in his plans.

After suffering all these frustrations for 2 straight weeks, Sebastian finally decided that perhaps, his straight thinking was what was hindering him.

This was why he decided to think outside the box.

On more than one occasion, Oceania already proved to him that those things he originally thought were impossible were possible here so why not try his luck?

Instantly, Sebastian started letting his imagination run wild.

At first, he kept on thinking about ridiculous things that were not feasible but he didn\'t care, all he cared about at the moment was to simply think up ideas no matter how ridiculous they seemed.

Sebastian kept on thinking for 30 straight minutes without arriving at anything that he found acceptable enough for his plans.

He felt even more frustrated, but he didn\'t give up yet. 

This was when he remembered that his ridiculous thoughts were still coming from the perspective of an Oceanian. Perhaps, this was the problem, why not try to think up crazy ideas from the perspective of an earthling?

Once Sebastian thought of this, he instantly changed his mindset.

This time, he didn\'t even need to think much, earth had too many focus points for him to start with. He easily started from the movies that he watched back on earth, then the cartoons, mostly the ridiculous animes.

When his thought deviated to the perspective of an earthling, Sebastian only had to think for 5 minutes before the light of inspiration lit up in his head.

"Damn! That, why did I not think of that before?"

Once he thought of it, he tried to rationalize it with his understanding of the magical laws of Oceania to see if it would work.

Back on earth, Sebastian remembered once watching an anime about a knuckle-headed kid who lived in a world of ninjas. That was not the focus point, the focus point was that this kid had a demon sealed within him.

Apparently, his village was involved in a mighty war where the elders had no choice but to seal the terrible demon terrorizing them within the kid.

This menacing demon after living with the kid for years developed a symbiotic relationship with him. And the main help that the demon rendered was giving the kid almost unlimited access to mana…, no, chakra.

With this as his starting advantage, having access to virtually unlimited chakra, the kid was able to grow with time into the strongest ninja of the world.

As he thought of this, Sebastian\'s eyes widened.

What if, instead of trying to create another skill like the mana control to generate mana which was clearly not working, he decided to get a beast that could become his own demon Kyuubi.

This idea came completely out of the blue. It sounded so ridiculous that even Sebastian himself felt ridiculous, but at some point, it also felt slightly reasonable.

The more Sebastian thought of this, the more his eyes glittered.

There were flaws in the idea, he could see them. What if there was no such beast in Oceania? What if there was no such sealing method? What if he was not compatible with the beast?

All the questions tried to quench his enthusiasm, but Sebastian\'s hype for this thought route already gathered so much momentum that he could no longer stop, he was already feeling stoked at the idea.

Instantly, he grabbed his communicator and dialed Eliana.

"Eliana, I got a new extremely radical idea!"

"Do you remember the anime, Naruto?!"

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