Ocean Master

Chapter 405 - Evolution Beast Races, The Mana Lord Hunting Plan!

"The anime Naruto…?" Eliana looked intensely at Sebastian, trying to confirm that he had not gone crazy due to thinking too much these past few days.

In the end, she asked a question to clear her doubts. 

"How in the world is an animate cartoon related to Oceania, your ultimate vessel, and your so-called extremely radical plan?"

"Wait! Wait, just wait…" Sebastian was exasperated at her reaction, and his exasperated look finally made Eliana quieten down and listen to him. "Just cool down, wait, listen and let me explain".

"Ok, this is my plan…"

"By the way, which anime is Naruto?"


This time, Sebastian was speechless for more than 2 minutes before he finally almost exploded. "YOU DON\'T KNOW NARUTO?!?"

"Hey, take it easy, I left earth 2 years ago, cut me some slack".

On hearing that, Sebastian calmed down a bit as he discovered that she was probably right. Staying in Oceania for 2 more years, he would not be sure how much his personality and knowledge would have changed.

Perhaps, he was asking too much of her to remember this popular anime cartoon but he still felt indignant that she had forgotten it.

"Is it that anime cartoon with that cool quiet kid that I like?" Eliana finally asked again after taking her time to think.

"Yes, that\'s it! You still remember!" Sebastian was ecstatic. "That is Sasuke!"

With that as the starting point, Sebastian spent additional 15 minutes before he finally refreshed the knowledge of Naruto back into Eliana\'s head.

With this, they could finally proceed.

"So, what does Naruto has in common with your…" Eliana stopped mid-way on feeling Sebastian\'s predatory glare. "Ok, I give up, continue".


Once he succeeded in getting her undivided attention, Sebastian finally went to the point. The focus of his explanation was based entirely on Naruto, and his relationship with the demon Nine-tailed Fox, Kyuubi.

By the time Sebastian finished explaining the relationship between Naruto and the demon Kyuubi, Eliana could already guess where he was going with the conversation and she felt absolutely bombilated.

Sebastian finally asked the ultimate question. "So, do you think this is possible? Like, can I replicate the same here?"

Eliana was lost for words to say. "That…, that is crazy!"

"Oceania is crazy!" Sebastian exclaimed. "Magic is crazy! Even the universe as we know it is now crazy, so why can\'t I go crazy?!"

"Besides, Oceania already proved to you and me multiple times that crazy things can be possible here. Most times, crazy is the reality in Oceania".

"So, Eliana, this crazy idea can work, right?"

"…" Eliana kept quiet, sinking into a long period of silence as she tried to think about the crazy idea that Sebastian had just come up with.

"Damn, this guy still has such a crazy imaginative mind!" She secretly exclaimed in awe in her mind as she directed subtle hidden glances at him with her soul eye skill while going through the feasibility of this plan. 

About 10 minutes later, she finally spoke again. "Sebastian, I can\'t really confirm if your plan can work, but have you heard of the evolution beast races?"

"Umm, no".

"Ok, then you need to know this".

10 minutes later, Eliana explained everything to Sebastian that he needed to know about the evolution beast races.

The evolution beast races were just like Space Beasts, but with a less tyrannical background. The beasts from these races are the original carriers of the evolution routes that every beast in Oceania now enjoyed.

Unlike other beasts that had to evolve through the ranks before getting the opportunity for a sublimation evolution to become one of these evolution routes, these beasts were born already evolved in a specific evolution route.

For example, during Sebastian\'s last breakthrough, he accessed a significant amount of evolution routes where he eventually decided on the Mana Lord.

Evolution beast races were the progenitors of these evolution routes.

The Vampire Megalodon, Shapeshifter Megalodon, Dark Magic Megalodon, Mana Lords, and Pugilist King evolution routes all have progenitors and the natural owners of these evolution routes were the evolution beast races.

According to Eliana, the Mana Lords were part of the evolution beast races. 

The Mana Lords were the progenitors of the Mana Lord evolution route. 

With their strongest being rumored to have pinnacle Black tier strength, this was a beast race that stood at the top of Oceania but they were infamous for always living an isolated life away from other beasts. 

This was not the reason why Eliana spoke of this beast race though; she spoke of it because they were related to Sebastian\'s plan.

Apart from the horrifying strength and skill all related to mana that Mana Lords were renowned for, it was their mana manipulation that was their most renowned ability. The mana control skill originated from them Afterall.

Mana Lords were a special beast species who were rumored to be descendants of the mythical Kraken of the Myth Realm.

Not only were they identical to Krakens, but they also had the power to back it.

Immediately after Eliana finished explaining all that she knew about the powerful Mana Lords, Sebastian was left dumbfounded for only a few seconds before ideas started flowing in his head again like water.

The fact that she specially explained the Mana Lords in such details revealed to Sebastian that she already understood his plan, he grinned.

There was no guarantee that even if he could get a Mana Lord, he would be able to seal this beast in his body so he could enjoy the advantages that Naruto enjoyed, but in his opinion, this was a plan worth taking.

Sebastian only had to think for a few minutes before he decided that prioritizing this was the most important in his scale of preference.

This was the reason why he asked for the help of the Clown Empire again.

The Clown Empire did not disappoint, after just a day of searching, the Empire discovered an isolated water domain that was suspected to be one of the lairs of these hideous mana freaks.

The only problem was that unlike against the Space Beast, the Clown Empire refused to give Sebastian any significant help to hunt the Mana Lords.

Though the Mana Lords never founded a beast Empire, no beast Empire in Oceania dared to antagonize them. These beasts were such powerful existences in Oceania that it would require balls of steel to go against them.

Coincidentally, Sebastian had balls of steel.

Sebastian didn\'t blame the Clown Empire; he was grateful for the help that they were able to present already.

This time, he resolved to tackle this problem his way without relying on the mighty thigh that he clung to which was the Clown Empire.

Despite thinking this way, with all the information that he already knew about Mana Lords, Sebastian was not delusional enough to think that he could take on the smallest of their lairs alone.

This was why he resolved to find help outside the Clown Empire.

This originally left him in a dilemma, but a tip from Eliana gave him direction. 

After being excluded from the ongoing revolution for a reasonable amount of time, the chaos of the Orca Revolution finally extended towards the new region where the Firelight Shark Clan founded by Tungsten resided.

Sebastian easily made his decision. He was going to help his brothers survive this disaster, and they would also help him with his plan.

He knew that time was not static which prompted him to work even faster, the time was ticking away like a ticking time bomb.

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